Stick it to Fascists
Help wake up the masses. Request your stickers below. Donate to help if you can.
Stick it to Fascists
Help wake up the masses. Request your stickers below. Donate to help if you can.
Help wake up the masses. Request your stickers below. Donate to help if you can.
Help wake up the masses. Request your stickers below. Donate to help if you can.
We're just a couple, trying to raise kids in what is rapidly becoming a fascist hellscape. This is not the American Dream. This is not what we were promised, and we're MAD about it. If you're here, we're assuming you're mad too. After spending months since the election feeling helpless, we decided to do SOMETHING.
Thus was born : Stick it to Fascists. We are self-funding this initiative and will continue to do so for as long as possible. If you are able, please consider donating. $20 ensures 4 additional people will receive the stickers they need to help turn on the lights where they live.
We're sick of having our data sold. So are you. We're not interested in your data. We have ONE cookie enabled for the entire website. We will not sell your data. If you don't want to provide a real name in your request form, that's fine. If you want to use a PO box, that's fine. If you want to ship to your neighbor's grandmother and pick up from there, that's fine. We're not your mother. The only data we're truly tracking are the scans on the QR code, and all that we see there was general location of the scan and the date.
Copyright © 2025 Stick it to the Fascists - All Rights Reserved.
Our current cookie count on Stick it to the Fascists is one. It is a bog-standard performance cookie that does not track you or your data. Feel free to scan the site for yourself using any cookie tracker you choose. Thank you.