Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We are a husband and wife duo living in the heart of MAGA country. We have 4 children and want to be able to raise them in a world free of judgement, prejudice, and authoritarian control. Unfortunately, this is not currently possible in this political landscape.
We are afraid of our children getting murdered at school. We are afraid of our children being targeted by other children for their parent's political beliefs. We are afraid of not being able to feed and clothe our children when prices inevitably rise. We are afraid of our children losing their home due to rising rates in the housing market. We are afraid and we are not unable to admit it.
We are simply a way to spread information around the country as cheaply as we can. Our current initiative, is to give all people in the United States knowledge and access to the website While we are not directly affiliated with the owner of this site, we have been keeping in contact with them. They have a vested interest in keeping the people informed, and we thought that we could help with them.
As long as we are able to afford it. In the unlikely event that the fascist coup is halted, this movement will no longer have a purpose. At that time, we will export this site to a secure drive and hold onto it until it is needed again. When we are needed again we will come back, hopefully with a following, once again to spread the word.
Our current base of operations is our home. We live in the heart of MAGA country.
We want the stickers everywhere. Our goal is to have an 'agent' in every city in the United States. The more stickers we put out, the more likely we are to help change one person's viewpoint.
You send in a request here. We use our (limited) resources to print QR code stickers and mail them directly to you. We are not your mother, but we believe you should do anything you can to maintain your anonymity. We recommend using end-to-end encrypted email services, p.o. boxes, your estranged uncles address in the middle of the country that you have to ride down 8 miles of dirt road with no civilization in sight, etc. It is your job to be safe in this endeavor, and we hope you are doing as much as you can to stay safe. Again, we are not your mother.
We are solidly members of what is the shrinking middle class, and have a (very) modest amount of disposable income. We believe in a US that is not controlled by an authoritarian regime. We have been sitting back watching the United States fall further into the hands of President Musk and the Commander in Queef Donald Trump. About a month ago, we decided that it was past time to act. We're a little late to the party. Sorry. Our goal? Inform the masses of the parallels between the fascist coup happening in the United States and the rise of Nazism in pre WWII Germany.
They were.
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