This is primarily a self-financed initiative. We have no group backing. We are a middle class Husband/Wife Duo raising 4 kids in MAGA Country. Please consider donating if you find yourself in a position to be able to. A $20 donation ensures we can afford to mail stickers to 4 more individuals.
We chose a method of protest which is extremely inexpensive per potential person reached - but it's still not cheap. We are currently self funding, and our reoccuring costs associated are below. For quick reference, each order fulfilled costs us about $9.
600 Stickers per roll, each roll is $8.
Shipping is $4.XX Per order.
Tape + Envelopes + Toner, etc.
Ultimately, we will self fund as long as we are financially capable of doing so. Every dollar donated goes back into the fund. Realistically, we can financially afford to fulfill about 200 requests a month.
As of 2/24/25, We have received a total of $130 in donations. As we feel that transparency is very important, we plan to provide regular updates regarding donations received.
If you are able to help in non-financial ways, or would like some help with starting up your own sticker initiative, please reach out to us at either or
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