The stickers are QR codes that link to Real Time Fascism. In order to spread the word, we are asking people to place these stickers in places that get a lot of traffic. The goal is to reach as many people as possible. We want to inform the political right and keep the political left informed about the rise of fascism in the United States.
We suggest ordering 100 stickers per person that is actively going to put them out.
Just to be clear.. They are 100% free.
Each request costs us on average $6.00 - $9.00.
This is simply a form to collect and propagate your information to a USPS mailing form.
It does not collect any form of payment from you.
We are covering this because we have a moderate amount of disposable income, and have a vested interest in fighting against the United States fall into the hands of a fascist dictatorship.
As long as we are financially able we will continue to send sticker to anyone that requests them free of charge.
This is our part, and it is time for you to decide: what is your part?
Feel Free to Contact Us @
Open today | 03:00 pm – 10:00 pm |
The listed hours are the time in which we are most likely to respond, but you may hear back from us before or after these times.
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